My Girl Grace

An ongoing diary of my wonderful warmblood mare Grace and our quest into the world of Natural Horsemanship - together.

My Photo
Location: South Wales, United Kingdom

Monday, May 29, 2006

The Bareback Experiment!

Sitting here with a big smile on my face!

I went down to Grace this morning, put her bridle on, jumped on bareback and rode out for about three miles (in walk) with another horse and rider for company!

We passed push bikes, barking dogs, lots of cars, screaming children and even someone strimming thier garden - and Grace didn't bat an eyelid!

Bloody saddle! Its going back tomorrow!

So I'm really happy that yesterdays hiccup didn't affect Graces confidence, she was great!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Pride Before A Fall

Felt proud as punch this morning, going for my first ride on Grace!

Collected her from her field. Gave her a groom and tacked her up in all her spanking new tack.

I thought I would lead her out with two other horses from the yard and then jump on and ride home. I thought this would give her confidence.

The walking out was great. Grace led all the way and seemed in a really happy mood. I found a style to mount her from and got on. Instantly that I got on she started arching her back and being ticklish and when I asked her to walk forward she gave a little buck. The more I asked,the more she bucked and eventually gave a big buck and I fell off!

A little background. Grace had her saddle fitted professionally by a local saddler. When she went to Shelia she said it didn't fit and wouldn't ise it to back Grace. She used a Wintec which Grace got on fine with. As soon as Grace came home I got the saddler back out to look at the saddle and he said it fitted fine. Catch 22 from my position! I've never been any good at arguing!

So - basically this has proved that Grace doesn't like the saddle.

My barefoot trimmer came out today (fab woman!) and she does Kineaseology. She basically asked Grace about the saddle and Grace 'told' her that the saddle hurts her shoulders. She realised that Grace is also really tight in her shoulders as a result of her having slight twists in her hooves that we are rectifying.

So, saddle is going back (Grace also 'said' she wanted a Wintec!!!!!). I will ride bareback and do lots of shoulder massage on Grace till this is all sorted.

So its all OK, and apart from a big bruise on the bum and a slight crush to my spirits - tomorrow is another day!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Grace's Homecoming!


Grace came home about 7pm last night and travelled like a dream all the way!

I think she was pleased to be back and she settled back in straight away! She wasted no time in causing choas in her field and making all the geldings lose thier heads!

Roll on Summer (when it ever arrives!)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Mission Accomplished - My First Ride!

I visited Grace at Brecon for the last time today - she is coming home to me on Friday.

I had my first ride on her around the school in her full tack and she was an excellent pony!!

Roll on Friday!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Email Diary - Graces Progress at Gilfach!

An email diary of Graces progress from Sheila at Gilfach Farm;

Hi Toni

I am glad you would like to come up and meet us with a view to sending your mare up to us (and I am chuffed that you have been given recommendations too!).

I am here all of the time, more or less, but weekend are beginning to get pretty manic now, so if you could come during the week, that would be great. If this is going to be awkward for you, then Sundays after about 4pm are usually ok. At the moment, I would be able to take your horse from April 22nd, as I will then be able to devote more time to her.

Let me know when you'd be able to come up for a visit, and we can go from there

Hi Toni

Just thought I'd drop you a line to make sure all is ok for Saturday. You must be very anxious about sending your "girl" away! Don't be - all the horses that pass through the Gilfach gates are very happy here, and leave as contented, educated and motivated geegees!

Could you let me know how to get to you, and what time you would like me to arrive on Saturday? I was thinking that it might be nice for you to spend some time with her on the Sunday - if you are free, so that I can see where she's at with you, and for her to settle in to her new environment with her "mummy". The choice is yours though.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Hi Toni

No probs with the vaccinations. The vet is coming on May 9th to do them.

Grace is well and truely in season at the moment - and proving a little challenging! Have you witnessed her in season before? She's a wee bit fidgety on the yard (especially when the stallions around!), but to work with, she's the same quiet, calm Grace that I know and love!

Speak to you soon.

Hi Toni

Grace was good as gold for the first of her three flu/tetnus jabs.

She's been a little bit temperamental recently. Still seriously in season! We are making progress, a bit slower than I thought at the beginning. Lots of work with the false legs, lots of mounting, dismounting.

Had my first proper ride on her today. Just up and down the yard, being led, but using the rider aids at the same time. She was fine - rather reluctant to go forward, but I prefer it that way!

My feeling is that her previous owner may have started her backing, but gave up at a bad point, so we don't have a totally blank canvass to work with here, but its doable. (We've had a couple of rearing up episodes and a few total freaks - for no apparent reason - other than memory).

But, don't worry. Grace seems very happy, and has made lots of friends, and she's looking great!

Speak to you later,


Hi Toni

Don't worry!

Its nothing I can't work through with Grace, but it is important that you know how she has behaved - for the future. I like all of the horses I work with to be totally happy with the intensity and progress - which Grace has been, its just every now and again, she seems to say "I've been here before, and I didin't like it last time" - so hopefully, if we do it right this time, she will change her opinion!

We made good progress today. A ride and lead hack (with legs), then a good walk up and down the yard with me on her, giving her the rider aids. She was much more willing today, and seems to be happy with what we are asking of her. I am going to start the hacking out with her (me on her) this weekend, so it shouldn't be too long before she's back with you and you can continue the progress with her yourself!

She sends her love!

Speak to you soon.

hi Toni

Really good news!

After long reining grace down the lane past a few cars, barking dog, loose sheep, etc - to which she didn't bat an eyelid), I did my usual mounting and dismounting routine (again, good as gold), and asked her to walk up and down the yard. My groom gave her a bit of support initially, but she soon gained confidence and understanding. We then went for a walk around the farm yard and into the outdoor school. She was great! So I'm well pleased that she has decided to go with us rather than against.

I'm giving her a day off tomorrow, then will try a hack out on Sat. If all is well, maybe you would like to come out (either on one of my horses, or on Grace) when you come up on Sunday.

Speak to you soon.

Hi Toni

Friday morning is fine by me for you to come up and see Grace - see you at 9ish!

I can bring her home on Fri 26th and could get to you at around 6pm (latest,as Hugh comes home on a Friday evening!).

I haven't been billed for Grace yet for her flu and tet jabs. You have left me a blank cheque (!!!), so I can let you know how much it is at the end of the month when I get the bill. I can ask the vet to give me a vacc certificate for grace's first jabs, but it would be better put on her passport when you get it. I will ask the vet what is best.

Did some basic schooling in walk with Grace today. She was excellent!

See you Fri!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Simmi & baby Jewel!

Whilst visiting on Sunday I was lucky enough to see Simmi, the brood mare who lives at Sheilas, and her brand new foal Jewel.

Simmi is an Arab x Lusitano mare and Jewels sire is the stunning black Lusitano stallion, Borba, that also lives at Gilfach Farm

Training Update

I visited Gracie on Sunday. What a visit!

There was a slight drama last week when Grace decided that she'd rather not start work after all! Shelia contacted me and said that Grace had started to have a few rearing episodes and 'freak outs' which she thought were caused by a previous attempt to back her which was finished on a bad note.

So, she went back a few steps and tried to show Grace that there was nothing to worry about.

And it worked! As Sheila put it so well 'Grace decided to go with us and not against us!'

My visit in Sunday was a total success. After a tiny bit of lunging to blow out any cobwebs (!) I got on Sheilas horse Fly, she got on Grace and we went for a hack! How cool is that!! Grace was excellent and was thinking really hard - but she didn't put a foot wrong!

She is going really well in her bitless bridle and I hope she won't ever really have to use a bit in her mouth at all.

Grace will be back with me by next Friday - Horray!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Grace's Training Begins

After months of trying to find a horse trainer that practices 'Natural Horsemanship' I was finally steered in the direction of Sheila at Gilfach Farm, Brecon Beacons (

Grace went to stay with Sheila and her gang on Saturday 22nd April.

I visited her on 1st May and she had come so for already. After watching her being long reined (and haveing a quite disasterous go myself!) I actually got to sit on my girl for the very first time. It was magical!

All the reports from Grace have been excellent. Grace is taking to her new skills like a duck to water!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Grace's Background and Breeding

Grace was born on 22nd June 2001. Her registered name is Donner Stute, meaning Thunder's Mare.

Graces Sire is Donnersohn (pictured bottom) and her grandsire is the great Donnerhall (pictured top)

A Bit about her sire;

One of the best bred dressage stallions in the UK.
Donnersohn is by Donnerhall and his dam is not only a successful Prix St George mare but a full sister to the International Grand Prix stallion Longdean Westminster. She is by the top state stud stallion in Germany, Weltmeyer, from the line producing some of the most exciting young Grand Prix horses in the world today including Wansuela Suerte, Weltall VA, Wie Weltmeyer, Wahajama Unicef, Warum Nicht & What A Feeling.

Donnersohn has proved himself under saddle. He was reserve National Champion 4 year old dressage horse at the National Dressage Championships, Champion 5 year old Badminton Dressage Horse & Reserve Supreme Champion. He was rated in the UK top 10 at Elementary level & has competed at medium level.

Donnersohn’s progeny are exceptional. Donnergott was National Loose Jumping Champion as a 3 year old, achieved 1st & 3rd places at the Scottish Winter Dressage Championships and has qualified for the 05 National Dressage Championships at Novice & Elementary level as a 5 year old. Double Take was a top priced Equilibra Auction foal purchased by Lesley Bishop & now in training with Andrew Gould. This years black colt foal, Delovely, has been sold as a top stallion prospect to Scotland.

And about her Grandsire;

Donnerhall is the most successful dressage horse in the world and looks back on an exemplary career. He managed like no other sire of his generation to combine success in breeding and in sport alike. It is nearly impossible to provide a complete survey of Donnerhall’s breeding record here, as it would necessitate the writing of a separate book. In Germany alone he has produced over 50 approved stallion sonsand more than 35 State Premium Mares.
When a colt by Donnerwetter out of Ninette by Markus-Carnot was born at Otto Gärtner's stud farm in Wenstein, Holstein on the 30th of May 1981, no-one could have imagined that the dark chestnut who was later christened Donnerhall, would one day stage a triumphant march through the equestrian world like no stallion before him. What's more, no other stallion has ever come close to achieving what the chocolate coloured chestnut Donnerhall managed in such a convincing manner, namely, the symbiosis of the dual qualities of being a successful competition sports horse and on the other hand being a top grade breeding horse. It was undoubtedly an encounter determined by destiny, that Donnerhall grew up on the memorable Otto Schulte-Frohlinde's Grönwoldhof studfarm.
At the 1998 World Championships in Rome, Karin Rehbein and the meanwhile 17-year old stallion were once more part of the German gold medal team and gained an excellent fourth place in the individual rating. His sporting successes, substantiated by his life winnings of around DM 640,000 are no less significant than his importance as a hereditary transmitter. His breeding tally includes 77 approved sons, while of the more than 450 registered mares, 84 were awarded the state premium, including the champion mares Primavera and Hallo. In excess of 300 progeny have moreover been registered as sports horses. Donnerhall's last public appearance under his rider Karin Rehbein at the gala evening of the 1998 Oldenburg approval, where children with lanterns formed a narrow passage through which Donnerhall strode magnificently, remains a warm and unforgettable memory. From that time onwards, he only fulfilled his duties as a sire at the Grönwohldhof, where his remarkable career had begun. On the 14Th of January 2002, Donnerhall perished from acute intestinal toxicopathy. Donnerhall, who was already a legend during his own lifetime has passed away but his memory lingers on....

Deciding to go 'Barefoot'

As Grace is only four, she has never had shoes on her feet.

After a bad experience with an impatient farrier (is there any other kind?) and a long chat with my friend who is a barefoot convert, I decided that I would take this route with Grace.

This means Grace will never have metal shoes on her feet.

As she is young and has never worn shoes, the transistion should be a smooth one (fingers crossed!)

We have found an excellent barefoot trimmer and I am getting Grace some G2 Old Mac boots to put on her front hooves if she ever shows signs of getting foot sore.

Gracies Winter

Grace spent the Winter at Ty La Farm. She decided that she wanted to live out 24/7 rather than come in at nighttime so thats what I allowed her to do.

She had a nice big Masta full neck rug, a big bucket of feed a day and plenty of hay to eat and she was a very happy girl all Winter.

Grace Arrives!

Grace officially came into my life on Sunday 13th November 2005.

She travelled in a lorry from Ceredigion in West Wales to Ty La Farm in Bridgend and arrived without batting an eyelid - this was my first hint that she was going to be a sweetheart.

This is her very first picture.