The last six weeks have been a nightmare.
Poor Grace has moved fields three times, once after leaping through barbed wire to escape from cows that a stupid farmer put in with her!
She also had a positive Strangles swab.
In the last week I have had to make a choice whether to;
a) put Grace through ten days of intensive treatment which involved putting permanent catheters up her nose to the back of her throat and stitching them to her nostrils, pumping water through the tubes a few times a day and also injecting her with high doses of penicillin
b) move her to West Wales to live with the lady who has done all her Kinesiology tests - at a cost of £85 per week
c) try desperately to find somewhere local that she can live where she can rid herself of the Strangles at her own pace whilst being isolated from other horses
It looks like someone is watching over me as I have now been offered a secluded field for Grace to live on her own for £5 per week! It is only five minutes from my house and is near the fabulous training stables where she will re-begin her training once she is better.
I feel so much happier now, hence the post as I have been too depressed to post on here about all the bad news!!